🐍 Let us go through a good design to writing APIs.
from flask_restful import Resource
from models.store import StoreModel
class Store(Resource):
def get(self, name):
#get from models
store = storeModel.find_by_name(name)
#if got
if store:
return store.json()
return {'message': 'Store not found'}, 404
def post(self, name):
#check if already exists by get request with the name
if storeModel.find_by_name(name):
return {'message': 'A Store with name {} already there in database. Use another name.'.format(name)}, 400
#if not there we proceed to put
#we put the data and convert in an object of the type that would match the structure in database table and also to create a json output to return as success message
#create object name store using class StoreModel in Models folder
store = StoreModel(name)
#try to save using save function created in StoreModel
#return error if something goes wrong and save function is not completed
return {'message': 'An error occured while creating the store.'}, 500
#convert object to json using a function defined in StoreModel class in store.py in Models folder
return store.json(), 201
def put(self, name):
def delete(Self, name):
#find store with name in database
store = StoreModel.find_by_name(name)
#if found then delete
if store:
#if not such record, then inform
return {'message': 'No such record with {}'.format(name)}, 201
#else give success message
return {'message': 'Store named {} deleted'.format(name)}, 201
#get All Stores
class StoreList(Resource):
def get(self):
#get all and return in json format
return {'stores': [store.json() for store in StoreModel.query.all()]}
Resources > entity.py
#inside resources create a python file for the entityfrom flask_restful import Resource
from models.store import StoreModel
class Store(Resource):
def get(self, name):
#get from models
store = storeModel.find_by_name(name)
#if got
if store:
return store.json()
return {'message': 'Store not found'}, 404
def post(self, name):
#check if already exists by get request with the name
if storeModel.find_by_name(name):
return {'message': 'A Store with name {} already there in database. Use another name.'.format(name)}, 400
#if not there we proceed to put
#we put the data and convert in an object of the type that would match the structure in database table and also to create a json output to return as success message
#create object name store using class StoreModel in Models folder
store = StoreModel(name)
#try to save using save function created in StoreModel
#return error if something goes wrong and save function is not completed
return {'message': 'An error occured while creating the store.'}, 500
#convert object to json using a function defined in StoreModel class in store.py in Models folder
return store.json(), 201
def put(self, name):
def delete(Self, name):
#find store with name in database
store = StoreModel.find_by_name(name)
#if found then delete
if store:
#if not such record, then inform
return {'message': 'No such record with {}'.format(name)}, 201
#else give success message
return {'message': 'Store named {} deleted'.format(name)}, 201
#get All Stores
class StoreList(Resource):
def get(self):
#get all and return in json format
return {'stores': [store.json() for store in StoreModel.query.all()]}
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